PT. ERIMA AKSES MANDIRI is supplying and supporting Intelegent Locking Systems for Hospital, Campus, Hotel, Residences, Apartment and Offices in Indonesia. Since 2005 PT. Erima Akses Mandiri has become the Sole Distributor for SALTO SYSTEM in Indonesia.

SALTO SYSTEMS is a state of the art electronic lock system, featuring distributed intelligence both in the lock and in the key. The power of the SALTO Virtual Network (SVN) and the wireless network system allows people to work wire free enabling them to manage their key control requirements efficiently, flexible and cost effectively.

PT. ERIMA AKSES MANDIRI, we are determined to remain the best at what we do both now and the future. We never forget you a choice, and we are committed to providing uncompromising standards of excellence both in our access control product and in our service to you, our customer.

Our Vision
To be the top class quality of Intelligent Locking Solution in Indonesia

Our Mission
To be the best service to Indonesia’s locking marked and demand


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