XS4 GEO Cylinder

Extensive range of compact sized electronic cylinders designed for doors where fitting an electronic escutcheon is not possible or required. Totally wire-free and networked through SALTO Virtual Network and SALTO Wireless network. Available in different models, e.g. half cylinder, cylinder with thumb turn, double cylinder, cam lock cylinder, padlock, and with a wide offering of different profiles, e.g., Euro profile, UK oval, Swiss Round, Australian oval, Scandinavian profiles, ANSI profiles.


XS4 GxE | EU European profile cylinder – double reader

XS4 GxE | EU European profile cylinder with thumbturn

XS4 GxE | EU European profile half cylinder


XS4 GxB | RIM ANSI Cylinder

XS4 GxM | ANSI Mortise cylinder

XS4 GxB | Deadbolt cylinder


XS4 GxA | AUSTRALIAN oval cylinder


XS4 GxS | SCANDINAVIAN Nordic profile cylinder – security

XS4 GxS | SCANDINAVIAN Nordic profile cylinder


XS4 GxU | UK RIM profile cylinder

XS4 GxU | UK oval Profile cylinder – double reader

XS4 GxU | UK oval profile cylinder with thumbturn

XS4 GxU | UK oval profile cylinder – half



XS4 GxH | SWISS Profile double cylinder

XS4 GxH | SWISS Profile cylinder with thumbturn

XS4 GxH | SWISS Profile cylinder – half

GEO Special Designs

XS4 GxP | Padlocks

XS4 GxCL | CAM Lock cylinder

XS4 GxE | Swing handle


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